For your information
Großburgwedel, Kleinburgwedel, Thönse, Wettmar, Fuhrberg, Engensen and Oldhorst constitute the City of Burgwedel. About 20 000 inhabitants live in Burgwedel on the outskirts of Hanover, 20 km north-east of the capital of Lower Saxony.
Our school (High School / Secondary School) provides all the academic subjects which finally lead to the General School Leaving Certificate (Abitur).
Classes are from 8:00 to 13:20; senior students have to stay on until 14:10 on Mondays, 15:35 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There is a Cafeteria (open from 7:30 - 14:30) which offers Snacks, beverages (hot and cold) and light warm meals. Approximately 1100 students (grades 5-13) attend the Gymnasium Großburgwedel and they are taught by 75 teacheers.
Languages taught are: English, Latin, French, Spanish. There are also a number of extra-curricular activities which student can choose from: Music: choir, Bigband, Orchestra; Theatre: one 'professional' production a year (students attending grades 8-13 are welcome to participate); Theatre workshop for the young ones (grades 5-7); Astronomy; Physics: studying the art of flying; Sports: Handball, Soccer, Dancing; New Technologies; Video - Filming; Art.
Student exchange programs are carried out with Domfront in France and St. Petersburg in Russia.
There is a school magazine - "Kompass" - edited by a group of students providing current topics of interest; "kompass online" can be found in the internet.